Basin Study Guidance Documents

The Rio Grande New Mexico Basin Study seeks to develop a credible, technically based model of the Rio Grande’s possible futures, in the environment of varied management and climate alternatives. When complete, the Study will provide a sound scientific basis for planning the Rio Grande portion of New Mexico’s water future.

It is one of many federal basin studies being being conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District is a co-lead in the project. Participants in the Rio Grande New Mexico Basin Study currently includes many others besides USBR, including native and non-native governments and non-government entities. Entities join the program by submitting acceptable proposals that include their projected contributions to the program.

Project guidance is contained in the Reclamation Manual / Directives and Standards for Basin Studies. The manual is augmented by an Appendix containing Proposal Evaluation Criteria and another Appendix containing a Basin Study Checklist.

The Water Advocates are working with the USBR and the other partners in the program. Please consider participating with the Water Advocates in this important study.  Additional help is needed – everyone has some of the skills and experience that can be valuable in the process – viewpoint advocacy, technical knowledge, writing and/or speaking proficiency, organizing ability, project management know-how, social media facility, etc. 

Send an email to so we can start a discussion of how your particular skills can best be applied.