Next Monthly Workshop
6:30 pm on January 16, 2025
Three Water Priorities for the 2025 Legislature
Join three professionals who worked as members of the 2022 Water Policy and Infrastructure Task Force to learn about the Water Security Agenda for the 2025 Legislature. The plain truth is the Legislature has, for years, neglected to adequately fund implementation of the laws it has passed and the programs it has started to increase the resilience of New Mexico’s overused and shrinking water supplies. Modernization of state water agencies, robust regional water planning, and stopping illegal water overuse are essential steps toward improved water security for all New Mexico regions and communities
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Please email the Water Advocates with your suggestions for future workshop topics.
The Workshop Series
The Water Advocates are producing this series to help educate and engage New Mexicans to proactively plan for a more resilient and sustainable water future.
Agua es Vida: Do your Part!