Rio Grande Basin Study
Agencies Are Addressing Water Losses South of San Acacia
On February 1, 2023, the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, the State Engineer, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District reported on their joint efforts to reduce Rio Grande water losses between San Acacia and the Elephant Butte Reservoir.
The effort is being driven by the needs of endangered species in a more-often drying river, and the requirements of the Rio Grande Compact. The Compact is
Read MoreLegislators Seek and Receive Advice about Water Troubles
The legislature’s Water and Natural Resources Committee conducted its only water-focused meeting this year July 25-26 at Sandia Pueblo. Legislators heard from expert panels on topics selected by …
Read MoreRio Grande Basin Study Underway
The Basin Study will use the best available models of the Rio Grande to evaluate a wide range of climate change and adaptation scenarios.
Read MoreWater Authority Withdraws – Why?
On July 13, 2021, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation announced that the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority has chosen to end its participation in the just-starting multi-entity Rio Grande Basin Study. The announcement included a copy of the letter from the Chief Planning Officer of ABCWUA to USBR and MRGCD, which provided no rationale…
Read MoreFinal Draft Plan of Study Released for Comment
The Rio Grande Basin Study: Lobatos Gage to Elephant Butte Dam (Basin Study) presents a unique opportunity to develop projections of future water supply and demand and use them to model and evaluate potential adaptation strategies that are not constrained by current operating practices, infrastructure capacity, and policy constraints.
Read MoreSECURE Water Act Webinar – Rio Grande Basin
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation will be holding a webinar starting at 1:00 pm Tuesday, May 4, 2021. The session will address the Rio Grande Basin section of the agency’s recently issued Report to Congress. This webpage has links to excellent information about climate change and water supply reliability. The report includes a volume on…
Read MoreDraft Plan of Study Released for Comment
The Rio Grande Basin Study: Lobatos Gage to Elephant Butte Dam (Basin Study) presents a unique opportunity to develop projections of future water supply and demand and use them to model and evaluate potential adaptation strategies that are not constrained by current operating practices, infrastructure capacity, and policy constraints.
Read MoreRio Grande Basin Study is Moving Forward
The Rio Grande Basin Study is beginning to feel more tangible. Over sixty people attended Reclamation’s quarterly “All Partners” meeting held Dec. 4. After a presentation on in-progress climate assessment research and a coming agricultural adaptation workshop, the discussion focused on the detailed draft plan for the three-year …
Read MoreReport – All Partners Meeting September 2020
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Rio Grande New Mexico Basin Study conducted a webinar meeting on September 10, 2020 for all of the program partners (as of that date). The meeting agenda topics included a status report on the program, a presentation on the Ten Tribes Partnership involvement in the Colorado River Basin Study, and…
Read MoreBasin Study Guidance Documents
The Rio Grande New Mexico Basin Study seeks to develop a credible, technically based model of the Rio Grande’s possible futures, in the environment of varied management and climate alternatives. When complete, the Study will provide a sound scientific basis for planning the Rio Grande portion of New Mexico’s water future. It is one of…
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