MRG Water Plan

Middle Rio Grande Regional Water Plan 2000 - 2050

This web page contains links to the Regional Water Plan as accepted in 2004 by the 19 local governments in the region and by the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (ISC).  An overview of the Water Plan is available at this link.  The three summaries listed below provide more detail. Documents are provided in PDF format and can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download Adobe Acrobat.  Links to the chapters of the Plan, to letters of transmittal, to progress items since the Plan, and to supporting documents also appear on this page.


The Middle Rio Grande Water Planning Region is comprised of three subregions: the Middle Rio Grande Subregion, the Rio Jemez Subregion, and the Rio Puerco Subregion. The Rio Puerco y Rio Jemez Subregional Water Plan constitutes the combined water plan for the Rio Jemez and the Rio Puerco Subregions and is Chapter 12 of the Middle Rio Grande Regional Water Plan.

The Rio Grande Subregional Water Plan

The Rio Puerco y Rio Jemez Subregional Water Plan

Letters of Transmittal

Letters from the Chair of the Water Assembly and the Executive Director of MRCOG to the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission.

Progress Items Since the Regional Water Plan

Since the 2004 acceptance of the Regional Water Plan by the local governments in the Region and by the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, many water-related actions have been taken.  Some of these actions have been more and some less effective in helpin the region meet the Mission of the Plan: "Balance Use with Renewable Supply".  The link below identifies some of those key actions, as of June, 2010.

Key actions since 2004 acceptance of the Plan (0.1 MB)

Additional Supporting Documents

In addition to the plan itself, the link below provides access to numerous documents developed during the planning process, including legal, economic and scientific analyses together with the public participation process, all done on fulfillment of the planning requirements. The archive link below provides access to those supporting documents.

Archival Documents



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