Aquifer Recharge, Storage & Recovery:

Boon or BoonDoggle?

An Educational Forum to Inform the Public about Artificial Recharge Technologies, Programs, Plans, Costs and Associated Issues
in the Albuquerque, New Mexico Area

Date:   Saturday, April 9, 2011
Time:   9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Place:   University of New Mexico
School of Law, Room 2402
Location Map

Aquifer Storage is one of 43 recommendations in the Regional Water Plan for closing the gap between water supply and water demand in the Middle Rio Grande basin.

What is meant by aquifer recharge and storage?

Some recharge occurs naturally as the Rio Grande winds its way through our region. Some occurs via agricultural irrigation and its associated ditches and drains.  Artificial recharge involves moving water from the surface into the aquifer, either by seepage from a man-made pond or pumping down a well. Aquifer storage is water stored underground for future use.

The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) proposes to clean river water and store it for later use in the aquifer. Rio Rancho has plans to treat waste water and store it in the aquifer. Proposals abound for projects at a much smaller scale, and Arizona is already storing surface water in the ground for current and future needs.

Such artificial storage projects raise interesting questions:
•  How much energy is required to clean and store water?
•  What types of contamination are possible?
•  What are the costs?
•  Are these projects safe and useful enough to be worthwhile?

The Water Assembly is sponsoring a free forum for the general public to explore these projects together with some of the issues they raise.  Please join us to learn more!  April 9, 2011 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the University of New Mexico's Law School, Room 2402


Affiliations of speakers are listed for informational purposes only. The Speakers are serving as volunteer individuals, not as representatives of their respective organizations.
8:30    Conversation and Continental Breakfast
link to pre-conference slides  (0.5 MB)
9:00    Welcome
Kevin Bean, Water Assembly President
link to conference content slides  (0.7 MB)

9:05    Setting the Stage - Why Are We Discussing This?
Elaine Hebard, Water Assembly Volunteer
link to slides  (0.5 MB)    link to audio (incl. Welcome)  (14.8 MB)

9:20    Recharge:  What, How, Where?
Jesse Roach, Hydrologist, Sandia National Labs
link to slides  (1.9 MB)    link to audio  (32.0 MB)

9:50    Specific Proposals

Aquifer Recharge: A Tool for Water Resource Sustainability
Larry Webb, Public Works, Rio Rancho
link to slides  (3.0 MB)    link to audio  (13.9 MB)

Overview of ABCWUA Recharge Projects
Stephanie Moore, DBS&A Project Consultant
link to slides  (3.7 MB)    link to audio  (14.5 MB)

Small Scale Concepts
John Hooker, Architect, New Urbanist
link to audio  (17.7 MB)

Agricultural Recharge - Unsung Hero
Janet Jarratt, Irrigator, Chair of MRGCD
link to slides  (1.9 MB)    link to audio  (32.0 MB)

10:50   Break

11:00   Lessons from Elsewhere - Central Arizona Project
Dee Fuerst, Senior Policy Analyst,
Central Arizona Water Conservation District
link to slides  (3.3 MB)    link to audio  (31.3 MB)
John D'Antonio Comment         link to audio  (2.7 MB)
Further information on Arizona's program:
Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District

11:30   Associated Issues

Permitting of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Projects

Michael Johnson, Hydrology Bureau Chief at the OSE
link to slides  (2.3 MB)    link to audio  (9.5 MB)

New Mexico Aquifer Storage and Recovery (Permitting)
Robert George, Domestic waste team leader
George Schuman, GWQB permitting manager
New Mexico Environment Department
Ground Water Quality Bureau
link to slides  (0.5 MB)    link to audio  (12.9 MB)

Aquifer Storage:  Benefits and Costs
Steve Archambault, UNM Ph.D. Candidate,
Natural Resource and Development Economics
link to slides  (0.4 MB)    link to audio  (9.5 MB)

ASR & Energy
Michael Hightower, Energy specialist, Sandia National Labs

ASR & Water Quality
Michael Jensen, Amigos Bravos
link to slides  (0.5 MB)    link to audio  (12.9 MB)

12:20   Comments, Quetsions, and Answers
Tim Karpoff, Moderator
link to audio  (16.0 MB)

12:55   Invitation to the Fifteenth Annual Water Assembly
Elizabeth Richards, Water Assembly Volunteer

1:00   Adjourn to Continue Conversations

Location Map      Invitational Flyer

Further Info:  Elaine Hebard  (505) 247-8767  <>



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