Special MRGWA Board Meeting

The Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates is holding a special meeting for dealing with the resignation of its president, and other matters on Tuesday, February 23 at 6:00 pm.

MRG Final Logo Horizontal Orientation copy
To: Board Members and Alternates
From: MRG Water Advocates Executive Committee
Reply to: Info@MRGWaterAdvocates.org
Subject: Special Board Meeting, February 23, 6:00 pm


Passcode: 258035, +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Dear Water Advocates Board Members and Alternates,

Theresa Cardenas resigned as President of the MRG Water Advocates at our February 9 Board meeting. Pursuant to our bylaws, as the former Vice President I am now the President of our organization.

The Executive Committee is calling a special board meeting to make decisions related to this change in leadership. Please join us next Tuesday evening, February 23, at 6:00 pm.

The draft agenda follows:
1. Welcome and introductions–5 minutes
2. Accept nominations for and elect a new Vice President–5 minutes
3. Request board authorization to recruit candidates approved by the board to be for at-large board vacancies. Identify and discuss candidates–15 minutes
4. Discussion: initial steps to transition the Water Advocates to a sustainable position with regard to leadership, technical expertise, financial stability, and effective outreach as advocates–10 minutes
5. Review the membership of five standing committees created February 9–10 minutes
6. Assign membership and dues policy development to the Organizational Development Committee–5 minutes
7. Board vote to approve signatory authority for checking accounts–President and Secretary-Treasurer–5 minutes
8. Legislative update–5 minutes

Please RSVP so we will be assured of the quorum required to conduct this business by email to normgaume@gmail.com or 505 690-7768.