What Rivers Know

“What Rivers Know, Listening to the Voices of Global Waterways” is a collection of twenty-five
essays written in the first person from the perspective of the water by Basia Irland — Prof. Emerita and founder of the Art and Ecology Program at UNM.

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Reminding Reclamation about a Key Issue and an Essential Resource

Reclamation listed key issues and important resources it will consider in its Environmental Impact Statement evaluation of reducing the waste of water caused by its 1950s failed river infrastructure.  Surprisingly, Reclamation did not list the limited Rio Grande Compact water apportionment to New Mexico, for depletion within the Middle Rio Grande, as a resource that should be protected. Compliance with the compact delivery requirements is a key issue the EIS must fully consider. 

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Agencies Are Addressing Water Losses South of San Acacia

On February 1, 2023, the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, the State Engineer, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District reported on their joint efforts to reduce Rio Grande water losses between San Acacia and the Elephant Butte Reservoir. 

The effort is being driven by the needs of endangered species in a more-often drying river, and the requirements of the Rio Grande Compact.  The Compact is

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