Report – All Partners Meeting April 2020
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Rio Grande New Mexico Basin Study conducted a webinar meeting on April 22, 2020 for all of the program partners (as of that date). The meeting agenda topics included the partners’ Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the program, the intended governance structure for the program and a preliminary look at the technical modeling approach that would be taken.
The USBR’s slide presentation dealt with the agenda items. After the meeting the USBR provided a set of meeting notes.
The Water Advocates are working with the USBR and the other partners in the program. Please consider participating with the Water Advocates in this important study. Additional help is needed – everyone has some of the skills and experience that can be valuable in the process – viewpoint advocacy, technical knowledge, writing and/or speaking proficiency, organizing ability, project management know-how, social media facility, etc.
Send an email to so we can start a discussion of how your particular skills can best be applied.