Announcement – Basin Study – December All Partners Meeting
It looks like Friday, December 4th at 9:30 am works for the most number of people. We hope then to have the official start of the program’s three-year clock.
Expect a draft Plan of Study about next Wednesday (Nov. 4) for your review. Bureau of Reclamation will be asking that you submit your comments and edits to that document within two weeks of receiving it (deadline, 11/18). Address comments to Emma Kelly <>. That will give the Bureau a week to review and incorporate those changes and then the Bureau of Reclamation will re-distribute the draft a week prior to the meeting.
The Water Advocates are working with the USBR and the other partners in the program. Please consider participating with the Water Advocates in this important study. Additional help is needed – everyone has some of the skills and experience that can be valuable in the process – viewpoint advocacy, technical knowledge, writing and/or speaking proficiency, organizing ability, project management know-how, social media facility, etc.
Send an email to so we can start a discussion of how your particular skills can best be applied.