8th Annual Water Assembly
Urgent Shortfall Reality
“The Key Fact About Our Water - Demand Exceeds Supply” (OSE/ISC 2002)
The initial implementation schedule for the Preferred Scenario may leave a Rio Grande Compact delivery shortfall for ten to twenty years. We need to accelerate implementation of the water planning actions. We need to eliminate the predicted short-term deficits in our compliance with the Rio Grande Compact until the other measures in this plan have had time to take effect. All users must share in the substantial contributions to the effort. The state and the region should work openly and cooperatively to address this issue. Specific urgent actions should be identified, studied, evaluated, and implemented that are focused on avoiding defaulting on the Rio Grande Compact. These actions will have urban and rural economic impacts, but such impacts should be temporary. Unless there is a priority call, water-rights holders must be fairly compensated for the temporary loss of use rights when water is reallocated to meet compact delivery requirements.
All necessary actions should be taken to ensure that water necessary to meet the shortfall is acquired. In doing so, the acquisition of water should not be limited to any one primary source or sector.
Considerations in achieving a balanced plan of action should include accelerated Bosque and riparian restoration, a method for performing priority administration in advance of adjudication, a residential conservation program, a municipal and industrial conservation program, a agricultural conservation program, reduction in urban pumping, state leasing of urban water, state leasing of agricultural water,increase in upstream instead of downstream storage of water, and a moratorium on new authorizations of consumptive use.
Agenda for 2004 Water Assembly
June 18, 2004
1:00 Registration begins
1:30 Introductory Remarks
Moderator, John Brown, NM Water Dialogue link to transcript
1:40-3:00 Describing The Urgent Shortfall Reality
The Sandia Model Vince Tidwell, Sandia Labs link to transcript
The Compact Rolf Schmidt-Peterson, ISC link to transcript
The Hydrologic Reality Jim Bartolino, USGS link to transcript
Experience on the Pecos Chris Gorbach, BoR link to transcript
3:00-4:30 Implications Of The Urgent Shortfall Reality
* Bosque and riparian habitat - Cliff Crawford, UNM link to transcript
* Implications for Agriculture - Lisa Robert, APA link to transcript
* Regional economy - Janie Chermak, UNM link to transcript
* Native American perspective - Blane Sanchez, ISC Commissioner link to transcript
June 19, 2004
8:30 Registration begins
9:00 Welcome
Alan Armijo, chair, Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
link to transcript
Welcome & Purpose of the Day
Elaine Hebard, volunteer, MRG Water Assembly link to transcript
9:10 Overview of Regional Water Plan
Bob Wessely, chair, MRG Water Assembly
9:30 9:30"Proposed Active Water Resource Management Regulations" & "Proposed New Surface Water Administration Rules and Regulations"
Paul Saavedra, OSE Water Rights Division link to transcript
9:55 Summary of Friday's Presentations
John Brown, NM Water Dialogue link to transcript
10:15 Panels 10:15 Panels
moderated by Ric Richardson, UNM
• What do you find striking in the Urgent Shortfall Reality?
• What are your concerns? Where are you concerned?
• Where are you confident that the (local government/NGO/State) can make a positive contribution?
• What actions do you recommend be taken? (or, will you take?)
• What are the most important to implement? What's the beginning step?
- Local Governments link to transcript
Charles Dumars MRGCD
Dee Fuerst Rio Rancho
Jean Witherspoon City of Albuquerque
Mike Springfield Sandoval County
10:45 Break
- Non Governmental Organizations link to transcript
Steve Harris Rio Grande Alliance
Glenn Young Corrales Water Commission
John Hooker New Ran
Lee Brown Economic Consultant
11:30 Plenary Session
Group discussion focusing on same questions
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Discussion re Future Concepts of the Assembly
* led by Corinne Brooks, NRCS, & Ric Richardson
Presentation of purpose, roles, organization, & actions items
Team discussions & report back
Next Steps
3:00 Wrap Up & MRG Water Assembly Annual Business Meeting
Assembly Details Brochure (pdf 193 kb)