Archive for March 2021
New Mexico Headed to (Water) Bankruptcy Court?
The State Constitution requires the State to balance its annual budget, which prevents financial bankruptcy. However, the State is hurtling towards water bankruptcy in many of the State’s distinct hydrologic regions.
Read MoreMiddle Rio Grande Plain Truths–Please Email Senate Finance Committee Members
2021 will bring a wake-up call that will be hard to ignore. We must pivot to cooperatively face our existential water supply issues. The days and years of reckoning are upon us.
Read MoreDraft Plan of Study Released for Comment
The Rio Grande Basin Study: Lobatos Gage to Elephant Butte Dam (Basin Study) presents a unique opportunity to develop projections of future water supply and demand and use them to model and evaluate potential adaptation strategies that are not constrained by current operating practices, infrastructure capacity, and policy constraints.
Read MoreParticipation Sought for MRGWA Working Committees
The Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates is seeking additional participants in a set of working committees recently approved by the Board of Directors, so as to better accomplish its overall mission. Click here for a description of the working committee structure and initial drafts of the committees’ missions. We would appreciate and benefit from your…
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